Kiss with Friend

>> Thursday, February 12, 2009

Your FIRST KISS with a new partner is impressive that will stick in your mind for years to come. If it’s “The one” it will almost certainly stick in your mind forever. It’s important that your first kiss be truly unforgettable for the right reason.

When you meet a person you really like your first kiss is always going to be nerve wracking. It’s extremely normal and, in fact, expected to have butterflies in the pit of your stomach when you first kiss someone you really are fanatical about.

Here are some simple first kiss tips and first kiss advice that will ensure your first kiss is truly magical.

  • Make Sure you are Alone
One of the most key points to be kept in mind in order to make your first kiss unforgettable is to be all alone. You would not want to lose awareness because of too many people around and make a mess out of it.

  • The Right Time

Make sure the right moment arrives before you continue to kiss the other person. Too soon, and it will look as though you are desperate. Too late, and the instant flies away. So be prepared and enjoy when the time comes.

  • The Right Place

The place where you have your first kiss also counts a lot. The place should not be cluttered and should be pleasing to the eyes. It should have a touch of sensuality along with calm.

  • Keep Your Eyes Closed

To feel the magic of your first kiss take over, just close your eyes and sense the instant instead of staring at it. It not only adds the enchantment to your experience, but also makes you feel less strange.

  • Don't Ask
Never ask when you want to kiss. The feeling should come concurrently to both of you. Else it will look more like considerate or forcing. The essence of your first kiss will be misplaced and you would not be able to enjoy it fully.


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Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend - Marilyn Monroe Songs


Flirting Tips

>> Thursday, February 5, 2009

Learning how to flirt is trouble-free if you think about it. Since the dawn of mankind, we have been flirting openly with one another.

Have you ever watched a nature documentary looking at how animals court one another?

What do they do? They cavort around; fluff their feathers, put on a show for their possible mate.

Unfortunately most in the human kingdom would rather die than execute any acts of sexuality or even flirtatious behavior.

The following procedures are considered to be REAL flirting indicators - check them out and see if you're sending (and receiving) the right message:

  • Her skin tone becomes red while being around you.
  • She winks at you while talking to you or winks at you from a distance.
  • She puts her fingernail between her teeth.
  • She twirls her hair around her fingers while she is looking at you.
  • In a crowd she speaks only to you and focuses all of her undivided attention on you.
  • She speeds up or slows down her speaking to match yours.
  • Plays with her jewelry, especially with stroking and pulling motions.
  • She touches your arm, shoulder, thigh, or hand while talking to you.

The key to being a successful flirt lies in your ability to make other people feel good about themselves by showing that you like and are interested in them.

Try and re-read the above sentence.

When practising how to flirt, try this out on whoever you meet in day to life - make them feel good by showing genuine interest in them without having any real agenda.


Friends, Lovers and Mates

Whether we talk about sex with close family members, scandal about sex with our friends or have sex with our lovers - sex can be a primary part of all our relationships.

Learning to talk about sex is the primary step to having a safe and healthy sexual relationship.

Sex!Life! Gives you the right information so you can talk the talk.

Being friends, lovers and mates go beyond sex. It's about who we are and how we relate to others in all ways: sexually, expressively, in times of need and when we just want to have fun.

But to get on well with others we need to be OK with ourselves. That means being cool with what we look like, how we feel and who we are attracted to.

Not everyone is attracted to the "other sex"; not everyone needs to lose their virginity in their teens; no-one need put up with bloodshed or bullying; no-one should feel pressured to have sex.

Whether it's about your body, your sense of beauty or getting into bed with someone - this is where you will find advice and perspective on friendship, love and mateship.

Worldwide, almost one-third of sexually active young people were disappointed by their first sexual experience while 20% found it much better than predictable.


A Recipe For Romance

>> Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So, tonight's the night. You want to have a Romantic evening with your Lady. What's this, hesitation? O.K. you’re worried, what if you can't pull this off? Well, let me help! I'll walk you through a complete Romantic Day fit for a Queen. Your sweetie will feel so loved, she will be shocked with the entire attempt you put into this one day just for her. Now, as explained in my book "the Ultimate Online Dating Handbook" you'll need to start planning this a few days in advance.

On the day you choose as the Romantic day start with this: Once your Love leaves for work send her an email that will be there when she opens the morning emails. Keep it fairly short. Say rather like, "I miss you already, so I am making today your Romantic Day! All my Love (you)." Now you've made your sweetie very curious as to what it is you have up your sleeve.

Next, have flowers delivered to her work place. Roses work best, but if too expensive use carnations instead. A red and white rose mix says unity, true love, and virtue. Or red and white carnations show admiration and pure love. Have some baby's breath thrown in to show happiness. Have these delivered just after lunch so the entire office will see just how sweet her fella is. Include a note saying "Just an other part of your Romantic Day!" Trust me this will really make her day. And, once again you've spiky her interest. While you’re speaking with your florist order some rose petals. They're usually very inexpensive, and they'll be prepared when you wish to pick them up.

Once the later part of the afternoon rolls around you will have to begin setting up for dinner. In advance of this day get mutually some Romantic accessories. You will need candle holders, and candles. Place mats, a table cloth, even some silk flowers in a vase you can add to the table. You'll also need wine or champagne. Find yourself a tape/cd of Romantic Music. An oldie but goodie would be a Barry White album. For dinner itself, you may be surprised to learn that it really doesn't have to be exotic. What ever you are good at cooking is just finding. A lot of times it is the small jesters and atmosphere that makes the difference. So, if pasta is your thing, that's cool. Just dress it up a bit. Make nice chefs salad as a starter. Find a local bakery and pick up some fresh buns or biscuits. While you're there pick up something for dessert. And, since most women loooove chocolate I'd go with some sort of chocolate layer cake. Well...really...anything chocolate would be great!

Now that you have dinner under control and you are chilling the wine/champagne it's time for you to get you ready. You need to shower, brush your teeth, splash on some great cologne, and find something really sexy to wear. Here is where you're going to have a bit of fun with your sweetie. Find a sexy pair of underwear and put just a housecoat over them. Now, write your sweetie a note, say something like "Sweetie, I had such a busy day I was tired and had to lie down, please come to the bedroom when you get home." Leave the note where she'll find it as soon as she comes in. Now, remember those rose petals? Sprinkle them on the floor leading to your bedroom, also put some on the bed. You should be lying there in your most sexy pose when she opens the door.

Making important memories is one way to be romantic on a budget. Challenge your partner to bear in mind the most romantic kiss that you’ve seen in a movie. This will lead to some discussion about romantic kisses and should enhance the mood. As a surprise, buy that movie one day and try to restore that special romantic kiss! Keep it in a special place and re-watch it whenever the mood strikes. If you can’t agree on the single most romantic kiss, go ahead and create a top five list. This tip works for anything. The top five most romantic songs. The top five most romantic movies. The top five most romantic books. You see the pattern. Make sure to go ahead and buy the books, songs, movies or whatever so you can use them in the future.


Setting Limits with Friends Friends and Friendship

>> Saturday, January 24, 2009

If you have long-term feelings of anger, anger, handling, being treated as slight, etc., you most likely need to set some limits in your friendship.

Many people find themselves caught up in others' problems, then feel perplexed about how and when to help.

Take your good friend who just left her husband. Do you offer her a place to stay, money, advice, help with baby-sitting, a blind date or two?

Or take the friend who can never make it to the end of the month on a budget. Every month you bail him/her out.

How much is enough?

And how much is too much?

All relationships need limits whether they are friendships, sibling relationships, mate/lovers, business relations, etc. On some level, all limit setting means saying "no."

If you have long-term feelings of resentment, anger, manipulation, being treated as unimportant, etc., you probably need to set some limits in your relationship.

There are five steps to limit setting:

  • Stick to your limits. You are not responsible for making the other person obey the limits. You are only responsible for following the limits yourself and for reinforcing them.

  • Identify the source of your approach. It often takes some real soul-searching on your part to figure out the source of your anger or resentment.

  • Choosing to set limits. You will tolerate a difficult relationship condition just as long as you choose to tolerate it. You are the one choosing to set boundaries in place.

  • Express the limits clearly. For example, you say to your friend, "I will loan you up to $200.00 no more than once every three months. And I expect each loan to be repaid within three months and certainly before you can borrow more."

  • Decide where to set the limits. Think about the entire situation. Consider your time, emotions, and means. Then consider whether you are helping the other person or merely allowing them avoid or postpone his/her own problem solving. Aim to do something to help the other person without taking on the whole problem.


Famous Friends Quotes

>> Tuesday, December 30, 2008

  • There can be no Friendship where there is no free will.
  • The best way to tear down an enemy is to make him friend.
  • A true friend is the medicine of life.
  • Love is rarer than genius itself. And friendship is rarer than love
  • True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must go through and withstand the shocks of hardship, before it is entitled to the appellation.




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